“Home is where your story begins.”
As corny as that sounds, it’s completely true. We each have our own story, and in the beginning it was written entirely by our parents. They controlled the setting, the characters, and the plot. As we grew, they began to share writing privileges with our teachers and peers. While they were willing to share their golden pen, our parents still retained their positions as executive editors, making any revisions they felt were necessary. I didn’t feel like I had much of a hand in the writing process until high school. This is when I got to make more decisions regarding characters that I allowed into my story and what goals I wanted to work toward. Still, this did not mean that I had the absolute final say. But it was something. And I have to say, I had very cooperative executive editors in my life.
Now, I am the sole author and editor of the story of my life. While I cannot control what characters enter my life, I can control who I allow to stay and how I allow them to affect me. While I cannot control everything that happens to me, I can control how I react to situations. I control my character; my happiness, my determination, my confidence. At this point in my story, I am proud to say that I am nearing the end of my college years and am preparing to start a career as an elementary school teacher. I have a great relationship with my family, good friends, and an assurance in who I am and what I believe in. Not to mention the fact that I have so much to look forward to that’s still unwritten. So here’s to writing!
You write beautifully! I love this post because it is real, honest, and completely true. I can't wait until your next post! :)